Piriformis syndrome is characterized by discomfort, pain, and numbness in the buttock, hip, upper leg, or down the back of the leg. When the piriformis muscle pushes on the sciatic nerve, this happens. Injury, swelling, muscular spasms, or scar tissue in the piriformis can all contribute to the problem.
The condition is unusual, affecting more women than males. However, when it happens, it might create sciatica-like sensations. Most bouts resolve themselves in a matter of days or weeks with rest and modest therapies.
What Is Piriformis Syndrome
The Piriformis syndrome causes pain and numbness in the hips or upper leg due to the sciatica nerve being pressed. It is uncommon problem but nevertheless can cause severe discomfort. It occurs more in women than men.
The piriformis muscle is involved in practically every lower-body movement, from walking to sitting to any leg movement. The sciatic nerve runs beneath the piriformis muscle. Piriformis syndrome happens when your piriformis muscle compresses and inflames your sciatic nerve. It might happen on one or both sides of your body.
Causes Of Piriformis Syndrome
There are a number of factors that may cause a person with this syndrome to develop the conditions that lead to Piriformis syndrome. These conditions are either one or all of these conditions such as swelling of the piriformis muscle or the tissues around it, piriformis muscle spasms, or sparring of the muscle tissue. These causes include:
Injury to the buttock area or hip area of the body
Piriformis muscle hypertrophy, which may happen due to vigorous activity such as those done by athletes and sportspersons.
Occupational hazards such as sitting for prolonged periods of time. These affect office workers, taxi drivers, and transport drivers.
Natural anomalies in the body by birth. These may be due to deformations that were inherited by birth.
It can also be the result of overuse of the piriformis muscle. This causes muscle swelling and hence the pressing of the sciatic nerve by swelling causes the issue.
Piriformis Syndrome Treatments
In many cases, piriformis syndrome can be treated by simply resting. Many times rest of 48-72 hours helps in a drastic reduction of symptoms and discomfort. This is followed by the reduction or avoiding the activities which have led to this condition.
Muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, muscle relaxant creams, and physical therapy may also be used in treatment (such as deep tissue massages, stretching, and range of motion exercises). Injections of steroids around the piriformis muscle may help reduce inflammation and discomfort in certain people.
In people with this syndrome, surgery is the final resort. It should only be used in individuals who have failed all other methods of conventional treatment, including physical activity. If the nerve is impacted, the operation may decompress it, or remove scarring from the nerve. However, the outcome of surgery is not always favorable, and some patients continue to have discomfort.
How Horse Balsam Helps
Horse balsam is a good balm that is applied to the muscles for various reasons. It helps to relax the muscle, aids in reducing swelling, reduces muscle spasms, and manages pain. These medicinal effects are most desirable in treating or managing Piriformis Syndrome.
Horse balsam is safe to use and can be regularly used both for those have need short term piriformis syndrome management and those who suffer from chronic or long term effects of this syndrome.
The Piriformis syndrome causes pain and numbness in the hip or buttock or upper leg or the back of the upper leg. This occurs due to sciatic nerve compression by the piriformis muscle. In most cases, this condition is easily manageable and reversible. It is best advised to avoid any activity that contributes to piriformis syndrome.