Did you know that there are natural substances known as “anti-inflammatory” that can help reduce swelling & inflammation, and soothe the muscles and joints after a workout? Did you know that there is an entire topical creme line that is specifically intended to do just that? In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about an Anti-Inflammatory cream.
What Is An Anti-Inflammatory Cream?
First things first, anti-inflammatory creams are not medicine. It is not a medicine that you can take while you are on antibiotics or prescribed anti-inflammatory medication. You can’t just put a few drops in your bathwater because that is not the intended usage.
An anti-inflammatory cream or inflammation cream (can be bought online)is a medication that can be applied topically to soothe the muscles and joints after intense workouts, and it helps with reducing the inflammation in the affected area.
How To Use Anti-Inflammatory Cream
The best time to use inflammation cream is immediately after a workout. A quick but thorough towel-off will help to remove excess oil and help to stop the muscle from re-opening. As we get ready to head out, use the same towel to remove your makeup, clean your face, and apply your anti-inflammatory cream.
When you have finished, apply it to your workout gear such as your gloves, gloves for your feet, and your athletic shorts. You can also use an anti-inflammatory cream pre-workout to help with muscle recovery and to help with joint pain.
Just make sure to take a full 24-hour break after working out before applying the cream to avoid any unwanted side effects. How to know if your workout actually benefits from a topical cream? When you apply an anti-inflammatory cream to your muscles, you are increasing the blood flow and decreasing the impact of the environment on your muscles.
This is good because the less damage caused by friction and the environment, the better your muscle will do after working out. However, there are some cases when you should avoid using an inflammation cream. If you have a skin condition such as Eczema, it could cause a rash or irritation.
If you have never used an anti-inflammatory cream before, start low and slow. You don’t want to go overboard as you don’t want to get into a habit of over-applying.
Workouts Benefit From An Inflammation Cream?
When you apply an anti-inflammatory cream to your muscles, you are increasing the blood flow and decreasing the impact of the environment on your muscles. This is good because the less damage caused by friction and the environment, the better your muscle will do after working out.
However, there are some cases when you should avoid using an anti-inflammatory cream. If you have a skin condition such as Eczema, it could cause a rash or irritation. If you have never used an anti-inflammatory cream before, start low and slow. You don’t want to go overboard as you don’t want to get into a habit of over-applying.
Horse Balsam Gel as Anti-inflammatory Cream
Horse balsam gel has many properties one of which is anti-inflammatory. This is very much required in many cases for a healthy outcome of a faster recovery of muscles, tendons, and joints. Horse balsam helps to reduce inflammation or swelling in the affected parts.
Inflammation or swelling is a body reaction to hurt or injury caused. Horse balsam gel once applied to the affected area, causes a heat sensation, which helps better the blood flow. This helps in a faster supply of nutrients to the affected area and faster relief and quicker healing.
This anti-inflammatory property is the result of horse chestnut extract in the horse balsam gel. Horse chestnut extract which comes from the Horsechestnut tree has been famously in medical use for this purpose since the middle ages. Hence the Horse Balsam gel works as an excellent anti-inflammatory cream.
An anti-inflammatory cream whose main purpose is to reduce swelling in an affected or injured area is helpful for a patient. It tends to bring relief and helps better healing. Many such creams or gels like the Horse Balsam gel also help in reducing pain and better faster overall recovery.